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Title: Letter to AIRF soliciting Fraternal Greetings for the 13th Circle Conference of A.I.A.O.E.U.
Authors: All India (P & T) Administrative Offices Employees Union Class III, IV, P.M.G's Office Branch, Bihar
Keywords: Post and Telegraph Workers
Trade Unions
Public Sector
Issue Date: 1974
Publisher: AIRF
Abstract: Letter of March 1974 to AIRF from the reception committee of XIIth circle conference of All India (P & T) Administrative Offices Employees Union, Class III, IV, P.M.G's Office Branch, Bihar seeking fraternal greetings for the conference to be held on 24-26 March 1974.
Appears in Collections:General Strike 1973 (File No . AIRF / 160-B (VIII) )

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