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Title: Lists of names of people against whom criminal charges filed in the Railway Strike Case
Keywords: Criminal Charges
Railway Workers
Railway Strike
Court Cases
Legal Action
Indian Railways Act
Issue Date: 1979
Publisher: AIRF
Abstract: Three lists containing names of persons against whom criminal charges have been filed in the Railway Strike Case no 82 (Thana Jhansi, section 101, Railway Act), Case no 83 (Thana Jhansi. Section 126 Railway Act; Section 118(2) DIR 147) and Case no 84 (Thana Jhansi. Section 126 Railway Act; Section 118(2) DIR 147) dated 3 May 1974. Also a list of people charged under section 102 of Indan Penal Code (IPC) but here the case no is blank.
Appears in Collections:File No. AIRF 160-B VIII

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