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Title: Assurances Fulfilled in Letter and Spirit: An Account of implementation of Assurances to Loco Running Staff
Authors: Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India
Keywords: Railways
Ministry of Railways
Official Document
work schedule
Work Hours
Conditions of Work
implementation of agreement
Trade Unions
Issue Date: 1974
Publisher: AIRF
Abstract: This 11-page booklet is a rejoinder to the Loco Running Staff Association by the then Minister of Railways Lalit Narain Mishra. The booklet lists all assurances made to fulfil demands of the railwaymen following their three strikes in 1973. The demands concerned re-employment of staff who lost jobs, drop legal action, accept a 10-hour work schedule and so on. The booklet refers to the Qureshi committee set up following the strike by loco running staff to look into the implementation of the demands.
Appears in Collections:Fact Finding Mission of the ITF May 1974 General Strike (File No. AIRF/160-B Part-IV-a)

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