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Title: Text of Notice from Eastern Railways
Authors: Sawhney, V. P
Keywords: Right to Strike
Prohibition of Strikes
Management Notice
Indian Railways
Issue Date: 1974
Publisher: AIRF
Abstract: Notice from General Manager, Eastern Railways, states that any strike by a govt servant while the proclamation of emergency under the Defence of India Act and Rules are under force would be illegal. It mentions the order dated 25 November 1973 published in the Gazette of India prohibits strikes in the Railways for a period of six months from 26 November 1973. Strike notice would be in contravention of emergency rules. Preparation or abetment is punishable by three years of imprisonment.
Appears in Collections:Fact Finding Mission of the ITF May 1974 General Strike (File No. AIRF/160-B Part-IV-a)

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