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Title: Press Release and supporting documents (AIRF/ 160 -B (iii))
Authors: All India Railwaymen's Federation (AIRF)
All India Loco Running Staff Association (AILRSA)
Keywords: Railway Workers
Trade Unions
Worker's Demands
Press Release
Dearness Allowance
Worker's Demands
Temporary Workers
List of Participants
Issue Date: 1974
Publisher: AIRF
Abstract: Press releases by AIRF and AILRSA. The AIRF release accompanies a declaration by railwaymen's unions challenging claims by the Railway minister L.N. Mishra that bonus cannot be paid since railwaymen are too numerous - 27 Lakhs; calls for preparations for the strike. An AILRSA press release refutes claims by Railway ministry regarding the cause of delay in settlement of grievances regarding work hours, withdrawal of case against workers and non-implementation of past assurances etc. Another AILRSA release expresses support for textile workers of Bombay, Jute workers of India, workers of Indian Airlines, of Life Insurance Corporation, Junior doctors of Delhi
Appears in Collections:General Strike 1973, Meeting with Categorial Association (AIRF/ 160 -B (iii))

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