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Title: AITUC General Council Meeting : New Delhi: March 27-29, 1974
Authors: All-India Trade Union Congress
Issue Date: 1975
Publisher: All-India Trade Union Congress
Abstract: The documents include: AITUC’s letter on the formation of the national Apex body; Meetings with union labour minister and prime minister; National apex body; First meeting of NAB (29 July 1975); First meeting - Agenda; 2nd meeting of NAB (13 August 1975); 3rd National meeting of national apex body; 4th NAB meeting; Position regarding the setting up of Apex body at the state level; Further information documents: Banking; Coal bipartite; Electricity; Tripartite meeting on footwear industry; National industrial committee on textiles; Textile industry meeting; Vanaspati tripartite – Press Information Bureau, Govt. of India; Kerala Scheme for Workers’ participation in management of public sector; Labour participation in the management of public sector undertakings; 4th Asian trade union seminar, Nagpur; Conclusion of the seminar on population question; Workers’ participation in management; Scheme for workers’ participation in industry at shop floor and plant level; and Unity – Trade Union movement.
Appears in Collections:Pamphlets

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