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Title: Trade Union Education : Lecture notes (Part I & II)
Authors: Bardhan, Ardhendu Bhushan
Issue Date: 1987
Publisher: All-India Trade Union Congress
Abstract: The lectures are designed to impart the fundamentals of class-based theory to union activists. Chapter titles: The emergence and growth of the working class and the rise of trade unions; The rise of the trade union movement in India; Working class and India’s freedom struggle; The struggle between political trends and the resulting splits in the trade union movement; Post-Independence developments in Indian economy and in the work force; Post-Independence working class struggles and trade union movement; The results summed up; The Indian workers and the international trade union movement; The character of a trade union; Revolutionary trade unionism versus reformist trade unionism; The Wage Question; Question of Dearness Allowance; The Wage Struggle Summed Up & The Current Debate; Bonus and Social Security; Industrial Relations: The Struggle for Trade Union Rights; Labour Laws; Trade Union Functioning; Mass Work and Mass Mobilisation: Trade Union Education.
Appears in Collections:Pamphlets

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