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Title: Life sketch of Com G. Chelvapathi Chettiar
Authors: Chelvapathi, G
Issue Date: 1992
Publisher: Guruswami Alamelu Labour Research Centre
Abstract: Chelvapathi Chettiar - one of the co-founders of the MLU along with Ramanjulu Naidu and with the support of BP Wadia. Participation in struggles against victimisation of workers at B&C mills, combined effort at struggle in support of the workers of the Carnatic Mill in 1921. Chelvapathi Chettiar was the General Secretary of the MLY for 25 continuous years till 1943 and was crucial in enabling the union to gain recognition, reducing working hours from 12 to 10 and then from 10 to 9, increasing wages from Rs. 100 to Rs. 150, 13 holidays for workers, 15 paid leave days, quarters to workers, establishing a free medical dispensary, etc., Also crucial in establishing the M&SM Railway Employees' Union along with S Guruswami.
Appears in Collections:Madras Labour Union (Buckingham and Carnatic Mills)

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