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Title: Correspondence on the Struggle for Minimum Wages
Keywords: BKMU
Minimum Wage
Agricultural Labour
Gazette Notification
Andhra Pradesh
Issue Date: 1975
Publisher: Bharatiya Khet Mazdoor Union
Abstract: This file contains important historically relevant data both of primary and secondary types on the issue of minimum wages an its nuances during the 1970s. This particular file will provide a good glimpse terms of both handwritten notes, newspaper clippings and government notification giving the details regarding wages for agricultural labour in the State of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan; Minimum wages in Uttar Pradesh revised for Farm Labour, Memo-submitted by Punjab BKMU for upward revision of minimum wages for Agricultural Workers; notification by West Bengal Govt. on minimum wage payable to employees of agriculture; report stating situation of wages in various states of which highest wage payable in Punjab, wage revision of agricultural labour in MP details provided by B.K. Gupta; Andhra Pradesh Government notification dated December 2, 1995 on details of minimum wage for agricultural labour as of 1975; wage of Rajasthan in 1979.
Appears in Collections:Documents on Wage related Issues

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