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dc.contributor.authorRights Education and Development Centre-
dc.descriptionA petitioner's request for withdrawal of dismissal order, leave wages, bonus, and pending wages from the management. Details of the complaints, summary of conciliation proceedings, evidence supported from the side of employer and employee.en_US
dc.description.abstractWell Knit industries, cutting master, wage negotiations and ESI.en_US
dc.language.isoTamil and Englishen_US
dc.subjectUnfair Labour Practiceen_Us
dc.subjectIndustrial Disputes Act (IDA)en_Us
dc.subjectAbandonment of Serviceen_Us
dc.subjectCasual Workeren_Us
dc.subjectLabour Courten_Us
dc.titleHigh Court Madras's Proceedingen_US
dc.typeCourt Proceedingen_US
dc.description.hostArchives of Indian Labour [V.V. Giri National Labour Institute (VVGNLI) - Association of Indian Labour Historians (AILH)]EN_US
dc.description.disAll content hosted in this archive has been obtained with prior permission and approval from the institutions, organisations, and individuals who have either published/produced or held these materials as part of their collections. These materials are meant for educational, research and for non-commercial use only.EN_US
Appears in Collections:Case No. 06: Well Knit Industries

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