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Title: Statement of Claims with Annexures
Authors: Action Research Associates and Gurgaon Shramik Kendra
Keywords: Lockout
Industrial Tribunal
Employees' State Insurance (ESI)
Provident Fund (PF)
Conciliation Proceedings
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: Before the Industrial Tribunal over Viva Global's lockout. The Garment and Allied Workers Union contested whether it was legal.
Description: Documents containing the union's petition challenging whether Viva Global lockout was legal. Petition before the Industrial tribunal explaining the anti labour practices of the management by refusing to pay over time, denying ESI and PF, not giving appointment letters and suppress workers' union. Management locked out 102 workers after conciliation meetings. The union demanded reinstatement with compensation for the five years. Along with annexures as evidence of workers' complaint, FIR, and letters to the labour commissioner, ESI dispensary slips. The Assistant Labour Commissioner of Haryana submitted failure report for the dispute stating that the management did not declare a lock out and workers quit voluntarily.
Appears in Collections:Case 12: Viva Global

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