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Title: Proceeding of National Company Law Tribunal, Bengaluru for a Dispute between SBI, and IDBI vs Scotts Garment Ltd.
Authors: Alternate Law Forum
Keywords: Labour Office
Union Representation
Collective Dispute
Illegal Closure
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: Proceeding over the financial and creditors regulations and violations despite notifications. Affidavits by workers, letters for illegal closure of the units.
Description: Details of the company's financial plans, resolutions along with list of workers' beneficiaries. Union demanded action against illegal closure. The labour office fixed bilateral meetings. Hind Mazdoor Sabha took workers' representation. The management was absent from the proceedings. The unions wrote to the labour office along with signatures and details of the workers.
Appears in Collections:Case 14: Scotts Garments - Illegal Closure

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