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Title: Correspondence on Land Struggle Issues in Gujarat and Punjab (1972-1974)
Keywords: BKMU
Land Struggles
Issue Date: 1972
Publisher: Bharatiya Khet Mazdoor Union
Abstract: This file contains correspondence on land struggles issues in Gujarat and Punjab against landlords, minimum wage, tenancy, PDS, electricity, water to Harijans etc. The letters from the year 1972 and 1974 contain very valuable historical information of the years on BKMU’s land struggle and organizational issues. The 1972 letter provides information that the actual membership of BKMU in Gandhinagar (Gujarat); The 1974 letters are about – Punjab landless labourers legal problems arising due to landlords cases due to land struggle by BKMU, letter by CPI’s Subodh Mehta, Ex PSP and Sanat Mehta, CPM’s Chandubhai Patel, Harivallabha Parik to governor Gujarat Shri K.K. Vishwanathan on the demands of small farmers, tenants, and landless labour of Gujarat on land reform, tenancy issue, land ceiling issue, housing issues, PDS issues, water supply electricity to Harijans, memo for Gujarat govt. on all these issues.
Appears in Collections:Documents on Land Struggles/Wage Struggles

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