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dc.description.abstractIssues pertaining to the Darjeeling Chia Kaman Mazdur Union (illegal resistance to legal trade unionism, general strike notice), Note on wage structure in the plantation addressed to the Union Minister for Labour by the Tamilnadu Plantation Workers' Union; Issue of Bonus Agreement for Tea Plantation workers in North-east India from multiple unions (INTUC, AITUC, HMS), Workers participation in management addressed to the Secy Zilla Cha Bagan Workers Union (PO Mal Duars), Jalpaiguri; Resolution on Charter of Demands at the 8th Conference of the Darjeeling District Chia Kaman Mazdur Union; Booklet titled 'You should know Some Facts About Tea' by the India Tea Planters' Association (1959); News clipping and Booklet etc.en_US
dc.language.isoEnglish & Tamilen_US
dc.description.hostArchives of Indian Labour [V.V. Giri National Labour Institute (VVGNLI) - Association of Indian Labour Historians (AILH)]-
dc.description.dis“All content hosted in this archive has been obtained with prior permission and approval from the institutions, organisations, and individuals who have either published/produced or held these materials as part of their collections. These materials are meant for educational, research and for non-commercial use only.”-
dc.placeWest Bengal, Assam, New Delhi, Banglore & Madrasen_US
Appears in Collections:Folder 085 - Plantations (AITUC)

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