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Title: Miscellaneous Correspondence [1960-1961]
Issue Date: 1960
Abstract: Papers related to the 26th session of the AITUC (1961); Articles and Notes on labour, housing, productivity, industrial disputes, wages, workers’ education, tripartite; list of AITUC’s delegations to international conferences and committees (1958-60); list of AITUC representatives at the tripartite labour conferences and bodies; Table on working-class consumer price index numbers for different centres; table on average annual earnings of factory workers; Attendance chart of the General Council meeting held on 3 January 1960 and the proposals made by the council; report on tripartite; state-wise information on the trade union membership, functioning and related details.
Appears in Collections:Folder 157-IV - Miscellaneous Papers / AICP (AITUC) - IV

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