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Title: Letters file AIRF 160- B Part 1 (a)
Authors: All India Railwaymen's Federation (AIRF)
Raipur Division Insurance Employees Union
Socialist Party of India
Northern Railwaymen's Union
South Central Railway Mazdoor Union
Western Railway Employees Union
N.E. Railway Mazdoor Union
D.L.W. Men's Union
Keywords: Railway Workers
Indian Railways
Management rules
Dismissal from Service
Impact of Strike
Casual Labour
Transfer of personnel
Disciplinary Action
Legal Advice
Issue Date: 1974
Publisher: AIRF
Abstract: 1974 Letters file of the All India Railwaymen's Federation (AIRF) with letters to affiliate unions, also containing union resolutions. There are also letters from political parties such as the Socialist Party addressed to the Govt of India with regards to the Railway strike. Some letters pertain to the dismissal of workers from service; explaining the legal position -- the dismissal of workers under which rules in the railways pertaining to disciplinary action etc. Many letters regarding specific cases of victimisation of railway employees.
Appears in Collections:AIRF 160- B Part 1 (a)

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