Institute for Miners' and Metalworkers' Education(A.N. Jha, Institute for Miners' and Metalworkers' Education, Calcutta, 1986-10-08)
Second Edition of "Nomenclature, Job Description, and Categorization of Coal Employees" published by Institute for Miners' and Metalworkers' Education, Calcutta..
Article on "Mining: Blood on Coal" in Frontline, July 2001. A case study of one industry, mining points to the situtation with regard to conditions of work in other industries in India.
Different proposals for the revival of the ECL have main aim to close the loss making collieries and retrenchment of labour. On the other hand profit making collieries will be given in the hand of private. Document is in ...
Article on "The 'ratholes' of Ranigunj" in Frontline, December 2001. Illegal mining thrives in the Ranigunj-Asansol coal belt in West Bengal, with the local mafia using the Santhal tribal people from Jharkhand as cheap Labour.
Unknown author(Central Mine Planning & Design Institute, Ranchi, 1994-01)
Document is related to Scheme and Strategy for dealing with Illegal Mining of Coal in Eastern Region by Central Mine Planning & Design Institute, Ranchi.
Letter from Colliery Mazdoor Congress to the Chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Energy regarding the Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Amendment Bill, 2000. A deputation copy with comments on the Coal
Mines Amendment ...
A findings about the privatisation and the contract work in the coal industry - a compilation of interviews of the four Tread Union leaders and authority of ECU and the workers of the ECU about outsourcing. Magazine is in ...
Document describes two articles (1) Present situation of the organized and newly developed unorganised
labour and (2) Report about the present scope of earnings after opening of Open Cast Mines. Magazine is in Bengali language.
A fact finding report by Nagarik Mancha about the present situation and the reason behind the announcement of closer of 64 mines and retrenchment of 71,560 workers.