Pamphlets: Recent submissions

  • All-India Trade Union Congress (All-India Trade Union Congress, 1959)
    Like "Report of the study group on social security 1958", to pursue the recommendations on labour policy for the second Indian five-year plan, the Ministry of Labour and Employment set up a study group of representatives. ...
  • All-India Trade Union Congress (All-India Trade Union Congress, 1950)
    Pamphlet focuses on statements submitted by AITUC delegattion to the Triparties Labour Conference to discuss the Labour Relations Bill and Trade Unions Bill in a meeting on March 20 and 21 1950. The delegate considers these ...
  • All-India Trade Union Congress (All-India Trade Union Congress, 1971)
    The booklet looks at the conferences of trade unions: the first with all central trade union organisations except the INTUC, and the second with many of the same participants and with government representatives. The booklet ...
  • World Trade Union Movement (All-India Trade Union Congress, 1972)
    Written by the World Trade Union Movement (organ of the World Federation of Trade Unions), the booklet has the following chapters: Introduction; Some Comments on the Origins of the ‘Giants’ of Exploitation; What has made ...
  • All-India Trade Union Congress (All-India Trade Union Congress, 1990)
    The pamphlet looks at the role of trade unions in the coming decade, and has the following chapters: The Situation of the Workers: Development of the economic situation; Employment and Technology; The Environment. Trade ...
  • All-India Trade Union Congress (All-India Trade Union Congress, 1972)
    Part One, The 42nd Annual convention of the Sohyo: Toward a militant trade union movement, has the following chapters: Address of the Sohyo president; General Secretary's policy statement; Discussions; Resolutions; Declaration ...
  • Sriwastava, K. G. (All-India Trade Union Congress, 1961)
    The pamphlet is a review and discussion of tripartite - representing employers, workers, and governments - committees from a trade union perspective. Under Tripartite meetings in 1958-1960 and important decisions, there ...
  • All-India Trade Union Congress (All-India Trade Union Congress, 1958)
    To pursue the recommendations on labour policy for the second Indian five-year plan, the Ministry of Labour and Employment set up a study group of representatives. The pamphlet has the following chapters: Conclusions and ...
  • Siddhanta, T. N. (All-India Trade Union Congress, 1974)
    The pamphlet compiles data on various aspects of the railroads for workers and trade unionists, and to counter arguments that the railways are incuring losses and therefore unable to meet worker demands. It states nine ...
  • Krishnan, M. S. (All-India Trade Union Congress, 1986)
    The booklet has the following chapter titles: Preface; Public Sector – Origin; Growth and performance of the public sector; Building public sector – Socialist countries’ role and assistance; Public Sector – Its character; ...
  • All-India Trade Union Congress (All-India Trade Union Congress, )
    The booklet outlines AITUC answers to government questionnaire on industrial relations. It is made up of the following sections: Introduction; Nature of the legislation; Jurisdiction of the Central and State governments; ...
  • All-India Trade Union Congress (All-India Trade Union Congress, 1985)
    The AITUC/All-India Textile Workers Federation, representing over 100 textile workers unions put forward this memorandum to the Expert Committee on the Textile Industry set-up by the Indian government. It looks especially ...
  • Illegible (Illegible, 1955)
    The trade union movement in the hotel industry is limited to the big cities. The booklet, which looks at the challenges facing workers in the hotel industry, is written in preparation for the Second International Conference ...
  • All-India Trade Union Congress (All-India Trade Union Congress, 1971)
    The booklet is an attempt to answer the question "What is America?", and is made up of articles as an aid to study. The articles are: The monopoly offensive; The problems of inflation in the United States; The scientific ...
  • All-India Trade Union Congress (All-India Trade Union Congress, 1961)
    Constitution, naming, objectives and details of the new All-India Trade Union Congress, to be abrreviated as AITUC.
  • Gupta, Indrajit (All-India Trade Union Congress, 1953)
    The booklet includes the following chapters on the Jute industry in West Bengal, and was presented as a report to the Convention of the AITUC in Calcutta in May 1952: A world monopoly; Who holds the monopoly?; Partition ...
  • Loomba, Satish (All-India Trade Union Congress, 1965)
    The booklet is an union attempt to analyse the Payment of Bonus Bill. It has the following subchapters: Applicability of the ordinance; Minimum bonus; Existing benefits clause; Future settlements; Computation of bonus; and ...
  • Sardesai, S. G. (Communist Party Publication, 1966)
    200,000 textile workers at Bombay's 60 mills went on strike on 28 February 1966. The booklet has the following subchapters: Demands secured; Key events and dates; The new worker; and The task ahead. Appendix: Text of the ...
  • All-India Trade Union Congress (All-India Trade Union Congress, 1982)
    The report contains: General Secretary’s Report; Public sector wage negotiations resolution adopted at Hyderabad convention; The BPE guidelines; NCC and national labour conference documents; NCC opposes anti-labour ...
  • All-India Trade Union Congress (All-India Trade Union Congress, 1974)
    The report contains: Update since the 29th session; Coal and the Indian economy; Non-coking coal; Proposals for new coal mines; Bipartite wage negotiations – Steel industry, Bhel, Cement, Electricity, Coal mines, Sugar, ...

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