Includes: the proceedings; REPORT OF THE GENERAL SECRETARY: AITUC strength; Detention of the president and members of the Working Committee and General Council; Observation of special days by AITUC; Organisational tours by AITUC office bearers; Provincial committee of the AITUC; Consultations by government; Tripartite labour conference; Representations to provincial governments; Attitude to war of AITUC; Workers and political situation; Important labour struggles; Working of war time ordinances; Problems of labour legislation. Statement of accounts. RESOLUTIONS: Greetings for May Day, to the Red Army, to the Chinese people; Indians in South Africa; Kayyur comrades; Repression; Defence of India Act; Dearness allowance; Rationing; Food crisis; Railway workers; Dismissals on railways for desertion; Textile worker demands; Seamen; Jute workers; Khewra salt miners; Tea plantation workers; Paper industry; Digboi petroleum workers; Bidi (beedi) workers; Primary school teachers; Baroda state trade union legislation; Repression in Cochi and Travancore; ARP measures in Bengal; Health insurance; Tripartite conference; Draft resolutions that were not passed. Amendments to the constitution. Resolutions passed at working committee meeting. Resolutions passed at general council meeting. Resolutions of new general council. Affiliated unions. Members of general council. List of attendees to 20th session. AITUC constitution.