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Includes welcome address, Chaturaran Mishra; Address of AITUC president Ranen Sen; Condolence resolution; Messages received. Speeches of fraternal delegates from abroad: WFTU secretary Akis Fantis; USSR trade union delegation, Alexey Victorov; regional ILO office, Bimal Ghosh; Syrian trade union federation, Ali Kassado; Bulgarian trade union, Marian Stoikov; Confederation of Yugoslav Trade Union, Boris Petrkovsky: West Germany’s FDGB, Margarete Muller; General Council of Hungarian Trade Unions, Ferency Paviovsky; Ceylon Federation of Trade Unions, M. G. Mendis; Central Council of Polish Trade Unions, W. Scholz; Mongolian Trade Union, Badmaarag; Vietnam Federation of Trade Unions, Ngothi Thuan; General Trade Union Federation of Romania, Ilie Silvia; Czechoslovak Trade Unions, Dramonira Hanzalova; Confederation Generale Du Travail, Henri Krasucki; Central Council of Cuban Trade Unions, Roberto Diaz. RESOLUTIONS on: Colombo non-aligned summit; Diego Garcia; Chile; Korea; Cyprus; Solidarity with the liberation struggles of the peoples of South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia; West Asia and Lebanon; In support of new Stockholm appeal; Victory in Vietnam; Liberation of Cambodia and Laos; Against the military coup in Thailand; For the release of all political prisoners and trade union prisoners in Indonesia; Against Indonesian annexation of East Timor; Uruguay; For united campaign to defend working class interests; 20-point programme; Functioning of apex bodies; Government’s scheme for workers participation in industry; Equal Renumeration Act; Demanding release of AITUC cadres detained under MISA; Against ban on mass rally; Closures, retrenchment & lay-offs; Port & dock; Wages; Proposed constitutional amendments; Railways; Release of political prisoners in Bangladesh; Public sector; Workers’ sector; Trade union rights; Interim relief to working journalist and non-journalist workers; Bonus; Accidents in mines; Use and misuse of emergency; Social security; Support of agricultural workers; Withdrawal of DA of central government employees; 1958 strike in Tisco; Nationalisation of non-coal minerals in industry in India; Electricity industry. COMMISION REPORTS on: Trade union rights and unity; Wages and bonus; Public sector; Apex bodies and worker participation in management. New AITUC office bearers, General council members, report of credential committee, membership. GENERAL REPORT, Part I: Background of 25th June and onwards; National economy and the working class; State sector; Abolition of feudal land-ownership; Formation of our own personnel; Economy, the worker and the employers; Constitutional amendments. Part II: On wages, D.A. and bonus; National apex bodies, its functioning and assessments/tasks; Trade union rights and unity; Account of strikes and other struggles; layoffs, retrenchment, closures; Organisational matters. INFORMATION DOCUMENTS incl. Monopolies continue to fatten; Multinationals; Cases filed against Bajoria firms; Strikes and lockouts in 1973; Half a million workers laid off after Emergency; Employment growth in the organised sector 1961-1973 (Reserve Bank Study); Employment in public and private sectors; the population question; 20-point programme; Parliament replies. |
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