Includes three different pamphlets: 1. Resolutions and documents; 2. Papers on Wage Policy and On Bonus, D. A. and Benefits; 3. Papers for Special Convention of All-India Trade Union Congress – In defence of workers’ rights and democracy against imperialism, monopoly capital and right reaction. RESOLUTIONS AND DOCUMENTS: Present situation and tasks; (Khmer Rouge) Liberation of Cambodia; Victory in Vietnam; Middle East; World Congress against fascism; Chile; Wages policy; Practical tasks of the trade unions in defence of the public sector; Pollution and people’s health; Organisation; Questionnaire about trade union organisation. 2. PAPERS: On wage policy, & On bonus, D. A. and benefits. 3. PAPERS: T. U. recognition and workers’ rights; Role of the public sector in national economy and politics, Workers’ participation in management; Pollution and people’s health in conditions of growing industrialisation; Role of multinationals, their threat to our economy and independence; Role of Indian monopoly houses and big landed estates, and the bureaucracy – super profits and prices – corruption and breakdown of healthy norms and morals; Worker-Peasant unity – organisation of agricultural labourers and poor peasantry; Strengthening national independence and national economy and parliamentary democracy; Some problems of trade union organisation.