The booklet has two distinct sections. Includes the following chapters: Welcome address (AITUC general secretary K. G. Sriwastava); Inaugural address (Minister for Labour Ravindra Varma); Messages received; List of participants. 1. SOCIAL SECURITY: Social security in India (AITUC’s G. V. Chitnis); Problems of social security in Asia (WFTU’s Mahendra Sen); Social security in Japan; Conclusions on social security. 2. THE EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENT ON THE WORKING AND LIVING CONDITIONS OF WORKERS: Papers by TUI of Chemical, Oil and Allied Workers’ Paul Forgacs; AITUC’s Y. D. Sharma; AUCCTU’s Igor Klimov; General Council of Trade Unions of Japan’s (Sohyo) Hiroshi Kikuya. Speeches by Mongolian trade union delegate; Ceylon Federation of Trade Union’s P. Kumaraswamy; Some problems of working and living environment in Indian industry (AITUC’s Raj Bahadur Gour); Conclusions.