Report for the Annual Conference of the lower grade staff union, Agra; Circular related to the All India Textile Mazdoor Conference; Note on the work on trade union front in Uttar Pradesh; Issue of a Fortnightly Bulletin ...
Birthday greetings and essays on Stalin on the occasion of his 70th Birthday; Circular related to the first agricultural worker's unions' conference in Ballia; Circular to district committee on attacks in the jails and the ...
Note for Dehradun District Committee members; Letters addressed to secretaries of different district committees; Critical and Self-critical reports; Note on the peace campaign in Railways.
A brief factual report on Party's functioning in UP; Note on the Communist Party's work in Kanpur; Self-critical report on the Kisan front in UP; Critical/ Self-critical reports; Polit Bureau's letter to UP party unit.
The file consists of handwritten documents beginning with a general description of strikes and the difficulties between labour and capital relations. There are also pleas for summoning information about labour relations ...
A booklet from 1958 April, Moradabad, Angriyors Union issued by office holders. There is a detailed listing of different kinds of crafts. The list details the kind of work/craft and specifies the labour rate according to ...
Correspondence between various trade unions with the Uttar Pradesh Trade Union Congress; Note on the decision taken by the General Council of the Uttar Pradesh Trade Union Congress; Pamphlet and Leaflets related to the ...
Documents and correspondence related to the Iron and Engineering Workers' Union, Sugar Mill Labour Union, P.W.D Workers' Union, Hotel Workers' Union, Uttar Pradesh Metal and Engineering Workers' Union, Cantonment Labour ...
Note on the working and living condition of workers engaged in the cloth printing industry of Farukkhabad; Documents related to the Uttar Pradesh trade union congress and Kanpur tannery and leather workers' union; Report ...
Note on the basic mistakes of the party leadership; Leaflet in Hindi on the Cominform corrective dealing with the blueprint of the proletarian revolution in India 1950.
Report of Allahabad DC on working-class movement; Reports on the new Central Committee line; Circulars and reports written by the communist party and its members; Appeal related to the suspension from Party; Monthly report ...
Detailed report on Communist Party's work in Ballia district; Report on the Kunda-Manikpur khet mazdoor conference; Reports related to Eastern Uttar Pradesh Districts along with critical and self-critical reports.
Documents related to the workers' convention, Railway strike, first provincial conference of railway workers; Workers' convention in Kanpur; Pamphlet and notices in Hindi and Urdu on labour union's program, state oppression, ...
Reports and Documents related to the first Agricultural Workers' Union conference; Note on the Congress's policy related to the farmers; Notice related to the strike of agricultural workers union.
Circulars issued for the District Committee; Resolution on Hyderabad, Student faction, and Azamgarh; Note on the Lucknow Peoples' Publishing House and Book shop; Note on the ideas related to Bourgeois parties and organisational ...
A pamphlet released by the Communist Party of India; Papers related to the Muneshwar Pandey; Papers related to the Railway strike and responsibility of the party members.
Critical/ self-critical reports related to the Communist Party's work; Note on the National and International situation; Papers related to the expulsion of a few party members; Correspondence between party members.