Industrial dispute in Dibrugarh, police complaint filed against a worker; Major struggle in Kulti (Burnpur) steel workers: increased dearness allowance, production bonus; Police and Military deployment in the area, Tamil Nadu electricity workers federation, inaugural conference organised, Petition filed in the Madras High court by the Tamil Nadu electricity workers federation, also includes Majority Report of the Committees set up by the government (increased wages for 40,000 workers); Bidi Factories closure in Rajnandgaon (MP), notice served by the Bidi Mazdur Sabha, letter to the CM of WB on the plight of workers in Bidi manufacturing industry in Calcutta; discussions on Annual Conference; details on wage increases for the workers in the Bombay Municipal Corporation; Notice of Hunger Strike by KR Venkatasubramanian to the Bombay State Electricity Board.