Various letters and docs pertaining to Tea Plantation Workers; including a Letter to GL Nanda (Union Minister for Labour) from Coorg District Estate Workers' Union on Injustice to plantation workers in Mysore by the Central Wage Board, Resolution of the Plantation Labour Association passed at the Executive Committee Meeting held on 17-03-62, Vriddhairi (AITUC) address to the Wage Board for Tea Plantation Industry, Letter to Home Minister of Assam on Police Intervention in TU activities by Chah Mazdur Union (Assam), resolutions passed by the 11th Conference of the Darjeeling District Chia Kaman Mazdur Union; Evidence given by the Secy, Darjeeling District Chia Kaman Mazdur Union (AITUC) before the Central Wage Board for Tea Plantation Industry, etc.