Letters and docs from various cloth workers' unions. Includes letters to various government and administrative officials on unfair labour practices, violations of code of discipline etc.; Letter from Kapra Mazdoor Ekta Union to Gulzari Lal Nanda (unfair labour practices by union deputy labour minister) and to the Chief Inspector of Factories on the alarming increase in the number of accidents in the Delhi Cloth Mills; Rajnandgaon Textile workers struggle against closure of BNC mills; Note for publication in TUR and 'New Age' on agreement between AITUC, INTUC labour unions and management of Ajudhia mills; Demands of the Mumbai Girni Kamgar Union; Pamphlet from the Kapra Mazdoor Ekta Union and by the Mumbai Girni Kamgar Union; Report of the Mill Kamgar Union, Bombay state textile workers' conference etc.