Letters from Textile Labour Union, Pepsu Road Transport Corporation Workers Union and several other unions to the AITUC; report of the annual conference of Punjab-Himachal Committee of the AITUC; Press statement by the All India Petroleum Workers Federation; The Railway Protection Force Bill, 1957; Notification by the Ministry of Labour, GOI to amend the Minimum Wages (Central) Rules, 1950; copies of Labour Weekly published in December 1957 (Transport Worker (bulletin) (December 1957); The Citizen (weekly), December 1957 and others); Dange’s speech on the railway budget (1957) and railway protection force; ‘4000 Textile Workers Demonstrate’ (article) by Ram Asrey; extracts of Dange’s speeches from the Lok Sabha Debates (1958); ‘Day-to-day Trade Union Functioning’ (article); Documents on wages and budgets.