Documents related to the 35th Session of AITUC, 11-15 March 1994. Donation to N.K. Krishnan Memorial Fund from AITUC Vice President, 14 March 1994. Letter to Registrar of Trade Unions, Delhi, from A.B. Bardhan, on amendments to the Constitution of AITUC, 21 March 1994. List of distinguished personalities who died in the period - Sept 1990 to Dec 1993. Resolutions on - Unity of Trade Unions; Solidarity with Palestinian People; Reunification of Korea etc. Programme Schedule of the 35th Session. Draft Amendments to the AITUC Constitution. Lists of foreign delegates, fraternal delegates, Office Bearers and special invitees, 22 Feb 1994. Minutes of the Meeting of the Sub-Committee of the Special Committee on National Textiles Corporation (NTC) Matters, 12 Feb 1994. Correspondence related to preparation of reports on different industries, such as textile, power, cement, road transport etc., for the AITUC session. Diary of important trade union struggles, Aug 1990 to Dec 1993. Report on the Commission on Environment, Occupational Safety and Health, prepared for the 35th Session of AITUC. Resolutions on Price Rise, Kashmir, Tripartite Committees, Textile, GATT Agreement, Repressive Legislations, Supreme Court Judgement on the dismissal of the Govt., March 1994. Correspondence between Chakradhar Prasad Singh, General Secretary, AITUC Bihar, with B.D. Joshi, acting General Secretary, AITUC on logistics for the upcoming Patna Session of AITUC.