Draft rules for the constitution of joint Negotiation Machinery in the Electricity, Irrigation, Buildings, Highways and Medical Departments in the Government Industrial Undertakings; Note on the power supply position in ...
Circular for staff-welfare officers explaining their duties and responsibilities; Correspondence and papers related to the Andhra Pradesh Government Press Employees' Union; Resolution passed by the Andhra Pradesh Medical ...
Circular appealing unions and members to carry on struggle on various issues; Documents, conference and convention proceedings, circulars and press handouts of the Andhra Pradesh Trade Union Congress; Points arising out ...
Circulars and letters of Labour Department, Government of Bihar; Demand letters and Court documents related to the Dalmianagar Mazdoor Union over the question of Bonus, Daily Allowance and wage rise; Circular by the ...
Circular of the Andhra Pradesh AITUC to the affiliated unions and members; APTUC letter to the AITUC; APTUC papers related to the struggle in Bajrang Jute Mills and Wage Board.