Papers related to the discrimination against AITUC in state level tripartite committees; Papers related to determining the representative character of the trade unions; Papers related to the 18th Sessions of the Indian ...
Documents and Proceedings of the 19th Indian Labour Conference, Bangalore-1961; Report of the Study Group on Social Security, 1958; Review of the Working of the code of discipline and implementation machinery.
Papers related to the 43rd Session of the ILO; AITUC correspondence with the Labour Ministry; Documents related to the 17th session of the Indian Labour Conference, Madras, 1959; Hind Mazdoor Sabha's memorandum on industrial ...
Papers related to the industrial dispute act; Papers related to the Engineering Mazdoor Sabha; List of commissioners appointed under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923; Papers related to the Maturity Benefit Bill and ...