Report on the standard of social security in an international conference for social insurance and social security; WFTU communique on Algeria, Aden, Arrest of SACTU president, Berlin, Common market in countries, Tunisia, ...
Letters and telegrams between WFTU and AITUC leaders on various national and international issues; WFTU-UNESCO study course on the access of workers to education and culture.
Document on the Trade Unions International of Workers of the Building, Wood and Building Material Industries; Conference of European Trade Unions and Workers for the education of hours of work and for the 40-hour week ...
Report of the Japanese Delegation to the 5th world trade union congress, 1961, Moscow; Article on the Japanese workers struggle; Papers and resolutions related to the 5th World Trade Union Congress, Moscow, 1961; Documents ...
Documents and report on the XIth administrative committee of the trade union international of the chemical, oil, and allied workers; Correspondence between Sadhan Mukherjee and Com. Sundaram.
WFTU statement on Angola; Documents related to the seminar of trade unions on the access of the working people to education and culture; Report on Social Security in Japan; Convention of the ILO on the application of the ...